
Nikken Kosakusho Works Ltd., based in Japan, is a manufacturer of Tool Holders and attachments for machine tools, we have been market leaders in various industries, i.e. Aerospace, Automotive, and Ultra Precision Machining ever since the company was created in 1958.

Annually, Nikken produces some 500,000 tool holders, 3500 rotary tables and 250,000 reamers. It employs a global workforce in excess of 550 and has earned, and maintains, a reputation for producing quality products and demonstrating total commitment to its clients.

The word NIKKEN translates into 'Everyday Study and Research' a principle adopted by Nikken staff in their daily pursuit of excellence in their work.

MESCO supplies various Nikken toolings to different sectors of the Philippine industry.

For more information, visit the Nikken website